Sunday 25 October 2015

DENGUE PATROL Campaign in KB Mall

Date: 24th October 2015
Day: Saturday
Venue: KB Mall

Today marks another memory for us, SKSIS teachers and students for having the opportunity to spread our dengue patrol campaign in one of the biggest shopping malls in Kelantan which is the KB Mall. There are several activities planned for today's programme which are :
Dengue Patrol 'Dikir Barat'

Dengue Patrol choral speaking

Sketch about dengue

Photo booth

Media booth

We hope that our small effort could bring awareness to the public with regards to the danger of aedes mosquitoes and dengue disease.



Our KB MALL's performance team

The cute little aedes mosquitoes distribute the flyers about dengue disease to the crowd in kbmall.


  1. Tahniah kepada semua pihak yang telah menjayakan majlis ini. Semoga kempen denggi patrol ini memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat. Terima kasih.

  2. bravo... terasa begitu menyeronokkan sekali apabila melihat gelagat anak-anak nyamuk yang memainkan peranan untuk menarik penonton... tahniah sekali lagi kerana memberikan komitmen yang begitu baik sekali.

  3. Tahniah! Hebat! Hebat! Aktiviti yg menyeronokkan dan dapat menyedarkan komuniti akan bahaya denggi..jadi hapuskan Aedes..tiadalah denggi...

  4. Well done to sksis dengue patrol for the great effort..
